Valley Of Giants

The Basics

Style - Belgian Dark Strong

ABV - 9.2%


Malt forward Belgian beer with strong spice notes, dried fruit character, and a boozy finish.

The Name

The name is a reference to “The Abbey” in Australia, an event venue that specializes in, and imports, Belgian beers. Located in Swan valley, it is a part of the Perth’s Valley of the Giants park.

The Ingredients


Heidelberg 2-Row, Brumalt, Special B, Dextrin, Crystal 60 and Crystal 40



Pint of dark beer on metal bar counter in brewery with industrial decor.

Beer Facts

Like all Belgian beers, a great deal of the character of this beer comes from the yeast and the fermentation temperature. Belgian Dark Strong Ales have a similar flavor profile to Belgian Quads with the yeast and malt being the drivers for its flavors and aromas; unlike a quad though, this beer is significantly higher in alcohol content.

The Pairings

Roasted duck, aged gouda, bread pudding